Driving an armoured vehicle is not the same as an ordinary vehicle!

This course provides drivers with an introduction to the basics of civilian armoured vehicles. It is ideal for both new drivers as well as a refresher course for experienced drivers. Upon completion of this course, drivers will have a strong understanding of the physical makeup of an armoured vehicle and how it is fundamentally different to a non-armoured vehicle. This course is the first course of the Armoured Vehicle Competency Certification Program.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will underdstand and be able to explain:

  • Security Asset

    Why the civilian armoured vehicle is an important security asset

  • Characteristics

    The overall characteristics of a civilian armoured vehicle

  • Primary Components

    The primary components of a civilian armoured vehicle including armoured protection and mobility modifications

  • Differences

    The overall differences between a civilian armoured vehicle and a regular passenger vehicle (aka soft skin)

  • Reasons

    Why the various modified vehicle parts are installed onto an armoured vehicle

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Fundamentals of Civilian Armoured Vehicles!

  • 2

    Who is Armoured Consulting ?

  • 3

    Introduction to Civilian Armoured Vehicles

  • 4

    Section 1: Why Do We Need Civilian Armoured Vehicles

    • Lesson 1.1 - Different Threats Faced in High Threat Areas of Operations

    • Lesson 1.2: It is the Vehicle that Provides the Protection

    • Test Your Learning from Section 1

  • 5

    Section 2: The Fundamentals of Blast and Ballistic Protection

    • Lesson 2.1: The Civilian Armoured Vehicle Provides Blast Protection

    • Lesson 2.1.1: What Does a Real Life Explosion Looks Like?

    • Lesson 2.2: The Civilian Armoured Vehicle Provides Ballistic Protection

    • Share Your Experience

    • Lesson 2.3: Different Rounds of Ammunition

    • Lesson 2.4: Ballistic Protection Levels

    • Test Your Learning from Section 2

  • 6

    Section 3: The Unique Characteristics and Components of a Civilian Armoured Vehicle

    • Lesson 3.1: The Increased Weight of a Civilian Armoured Vehicle

    • Lesson 3.2: What are the Major Specialist Parts and Components of a Civilian Armoured Vehicle?

    • Lesson 3.3: Opaque Armour - The Armoured Steel

    • Lesson 3.4: Transparent Armour - The Ballistic Glass

    • Lesson 3.5: Brakes and Suspension

    • Lesson 3.6: Mobility Characteristics

    • Lesson 3.7: Tyres, Run Flats, Door Hinges and Other Modifications

    • Test Your Learning from Section 3

  • 7

    Section 4: How is a Civilian Armoured Vehicle Different to a Soft Skin?

    • Lesson 4.1: The Vehicle has Opaque Armour Fitted as an Internal Shell

    • Lesson 4.2: Protection to the Fuel Tank

    • Lesson 4.3: Fitment of Modified Mobility Components, Electricals, Communications & Transparent Armour

    • Test Your Learning from Section 4

  • 8

    Summary and Credits

    • The Finished Vehicle

    • Thanks for Participation in the Course

  • 9

    Next steps

    • Congratulations! Here's What's Next

    • Before you go...

Duration of Course

The course consists of a number of video lectures. You are welcome to look through these at your pace. There are also a number of quizzes throughout the course to help you assess your knowledge and retention of the important information. Overall, the course should take you less that one hour to complete.


Enroll now to discover the fundamentals of civilian armoured vehicles