How Does Vehicle Dymanics Impact on the Performance of a Civlian Armoured Vehicle?

Civilian armoured vehicles are a specialised security asset. In this course, we focus on the basics of the science and art of vehicle dynamics and the impact that the significant weight of the transparent and opaque armour has on the vehicle's dynamics and safety.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will understand and be able to explain:

  • What is a Vehicle Dynamics?

    Understand and describe what is meant by the term “Vehicle Dynamics”

  • Critical Elements

    Understand and explain what are the main factors that form the science and art of “Vehicle Dynamics”

  • Changes to Vehicle Dynamics Due to Uparmouring

    Describe the main dynamic or physical factors that are altered by the nature of the armouring installed on a civilian armoured vehicle

  • Respecting Vehicle Dynamics in a Civilian Armoured Vehicle

    Understand the importance of recognising and respecting the changes to the vehicle dynamics of a vehicle once it has been fitted with armour protection

Course curriculum

Duration of Course

The course consists of a number of video lectures. You are welcome to look through these at your pace. There are also a number of quizzes throughout the course to help you assess your knowledge and retention of the important information. Overall, the course should take you about one hour to complete.


Quickly learn the key aspects of vehicle dynamics and the impact it has on the safe handling and performance of a civilian armoured vehicle.