How Can You Make the Most Out of Your Warranty Claims?

Civilian armoured vehicles are a specialised security asset. The base vehicle and the various OEM and modified parts all come with different warranty conditions. In this course, we focus on understanding what are the types of warranty conditions that you typically see with your civilian armoured vehicle. We will also give you an effective process to manage the entire system of analysing and making a warranty claim. In this way, you will save money and better look after your very valuable security asset.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will understand and be able to:

  • What is Typically Covered by a Warranty

    Identify those parts of the civilian armoured vehicle which are generally covered by a manufacturer or supplier warranty

  • Typical Warranty Conditions

    Understand and explain what are generally the standard warranty conditions over typical parts used in a civilian armoured vehicle

  • Implement a Warranty Management System

    You will also be able to implement an effective system of analysis to determine if a faulty or excessively worn part could be subject to a warranty claim and then document and manage the claim all the way through the process

Course curriculum

Duration of Course

The course consists of a number of video lectures. You are welcome to look through these at your pace. There are also a number of quizzes throughout the course to help you assess your knowledge and retention of the important information. Overall, the course should take you about one hour to complete.


Quickly learn the key principles aof determining and managing warranty claims for your civilian armoured vehicles